fanzine-Zinema 電影自學誌

Zinema #4: Jim Carrey
電影自學誌 #4: 占基利電影的喜怒哀樂

2016 | Self-initiated | A5 | Digital | 4C | pp | Munken Paper


notdecidedyet / daylishek / 陳家富

A tribute to comedian Jim Carrey. Charts, two colors, and the most important thing is the selection and repainting of scenes, allowing people to review the joys, sorrows and sorrows that appear in the film of the comedian.

向喜劇笑匠Jim Carrey致敬的小誌。圖表、雙色,最重要是場面選取重畫,讓人回顧一下笑匠電影中出現的喜怒哀樂。

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